The deets
Let’s get this out of the way first. I love Harry’s. I love their chips and I love their schnitzels, especially the crispy one. The last time I went to collect an order the staff called out my name for the collection and one of them went “there he is”. Now you might be thinking that I’m bias and how can I be trusted. Don’t worry fellow chip finders, I will not let this sway me in my quest as we are only looking for chips like in British chippies. My love for chicken does not factor in here.
So let’s start with the portion sizes. If you order a tub like I do (so the chicken and chips with sauce) you get an amount that a normal person shouldn’t be able to eat in one sitting. I used to force myself to finish as to not waste them as they’re covered in the most crack-like chicken salt known to man (these days I have discovered the hidden technique of reheating chips in the air fryer without them being awful). There’s a nice mix of crispy little chips and softer larger ones but I wonder if the placement of the chicken on top of them has something to do with this. That’s about it. They’re a simple, lovely chip, however, they are not anything like British chippy chips. Again, like the ones in the last review, they’re somewhere between a fry and a steak cut but more on the fry-end. But don’t let this dishearten you. Go and eat them sometime and they will make you happy and that’s all we can wish for really.
Asides from the above they offer a wide selection of dipping sauces which no one can resist and this particular branch is perilously close to a Baker’s Delight in case you’re weak and fancy a desert after eating enough to a kill man (which I sometimes do).